Hair Trauma Center

Jacqueline Tarrant
- Certified Trichologist -
Licensed Cosmetologist
Celebrating 15 years and counting of Hair Restoration Success

Regenerate. Regrow. Restore
5 Main Causes of Hair Loss
1. Genetic factors of thinning hair
When we talk about genetic hair loss, what we are often referring to is male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness (also known as Androgenetic Alopecia). Genetic hair loss in women can be subtle. Women may start noticing thinning where they tend to part their hair and hairline, whereas men may start losing hair from the crown and the temple area.
Contrary to popular belief, this type of hair loss can be inherited from either parent or both parents. Most people affected by genetic hair loss start to notice the first signs of thinning hair in the 4th to 5th decades of life, but for some hair loss can start as early as the late teens and early 20s, which can obviously be distressing.
The Hair Rehab system can be part of a routine aimed at slowing down the hair thinning process making the most out of what you have.
2. Stress and trauma
Stress and hair loss are closely connected.
You can experience hair loss when you’re going through a situation that increases your stress levels. This could mean getting a new job, experiencing pressure at work, living a hectic lifestyle, having a new baby, or even losing someone close to you. Most often, hair loss is not immediate, and it may first show up 3 to 6 months after the stressful episode.
When our bodies experience stress, this can cause a large shift in our hairs from the growing phase to the shedding phase months later. This is referred to as telogen effluvium. Read our dedicated article to learn more and how to combat stress-related hair loss.
3. Nutrition and diet
Our diet can play a significant role in the growth of healthy hair. It is important to remember that a healthy scalp supports healthy hair. The hair grows from the scalp thanks to a rich environment of vitamins and nutrients that are obtained through what we eat. For this reason, it is important to eat a healthy balanced diet.
Hair growth supplements can help if you are not getting all the nutrients that hair needs, such as zinc, iron, biotin, or vitamin D. It is also important to talk to your doctor before starting a new supplement if you have a medical condition or health concern that is being monitored.

4. Health concerns or medication
Hair thinning can be a result of several health concerns, such as thyroid conditions, natural hormonal changes that women experience after pregnancy or during menopause. Alopecia areata is another medical condition that leads to smooth patches of hair loss. Hair loss can also be a side effect of certain medications. The hair follicle is incredibly sensitive to changes in the body. Any hormone therapy (including birth control) can contribute to hair thinning as can steroids, certain chemotherapies and some medications for blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and acne.
If you are worried about hair loss it’s always best to consult your doctor. A medical professional will be able to diagnose or treat the condition that’s causing the hair loss. It is also important to not start or stop any medications without first speaking with your doctor. While you address your hair loss, it is recommended that you also speak to a hairdresser who can provide a cosmetic solution to hair thinning and consider speaking to the mental health professional who may help ease some of the mental health issues associated with hair loss.

5. Improper Styling Practices
The term alopecia refers to hair loss. Traction alopecia is hair loss that’s caused by repeatedly pulling on your hair. You can develop this condition if you often wear your hair in a tight ponytail, bun, or braids, especially if you use chemicals or heat on your hair.
Traction alopecia can be reversed if you stop pulling your hair back. But if you don’t intervene soon enough, the hair loss may be permanent.
Doctors in Greenland first identified the condition in the early 1900s. They discovered that women who wore tight ponytails had lost hair along their hairline.
Early on, traction alopecia might show up as little bumps on your scalp that look like pimples. As the condition progresses, the main symptom is missing and broken hairs. The hairs along the front and sides of your scalp are most often affected. However, you may also notice hair loss on other areas of your scalp, depending on your hairstyle.
In addition to hair loss, traction alopecia can cause these symptoms:
redness of the scalp
soreness or stinging of your scalp
folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicles)
pus-filled blisters on your scalp
Eventually, the hair follicles can become so damaged and scarred that they can’t produce new hair.
The symptoms of traction alopecia are different from those of other forms of alopecia. In other types, the hair loss occurs in patches all over the scalp. In traction alopecia, usually just the hair that’s been pulled is affected.

The Laser Therapy Solution
Laser Therapy
Restore your natural hair with prescription-strength laser therapy!
The HTC Laser Cap has perfected the delivery of prescription-strength laser therapy for hair regrowth. A light and flexible cap lined with true laser diodes, The HTC Laser Cap illuminates the hair follicles with monochromatic red laser light at a finely-tuned wavelength and intensity. This treatment, known as Low-Level-Laser Therapy (LLLT), is scientifically proven to restore the hair of both men and women suffering from thinning and balding. The HTC Laser Cap is FDA-cleared to promote hair regrowth in both men and women with pattern hair loss

How Laser Works

Before Laser Treatment
Follicles are inactive, growing slowly and
producing thin hair.
The LaserCap uses Low-Level-Laser Therapy (LLLT), also known as Low-Level-Light Therapy, Photobiomodulation Therapy, or Laser Hair Therapy, to re-energize inactive hair follicles. Red laser light is absorbed by specialized cells deep within the follicle, providing energy to enhance cellular respiration and hair growth. As a result, follicles become awakened from their inactive state and produce thicker, healthier hair. LLLT has proven to be a safe and effective treatment for both male and female pattern pattern hair loss in numerous large, high quality clinical trials.

During Laser Treatment
Laser light is absorbed by the cells of the hair follicle, providing energy to enhance cellular respiration and hair growth.

After Laser Treatment
Dormant follicles are awakened from their inactive state and produce thicker, healthier, hair.

Hair Loss is Progressive, It won't stop on it's own
See Jacqueline, a certified Trichologist and
Order your HTC Laser Cap today!
Restore your natural hair with the HTC Laser Cap Technology in the comfort of your home. FDA -cleared for hair regrowth in men & women.
The HTC Laser Cap re-energizes inactive hair follicles using Low-Level-Laser Therapy (LLLT), a safe, all-natural treatment, scientifically proven to promote hair regrowth in both men and women.
Now you can treat your hair loss with prescription-strength laser therapy in the comfort of your own home. With The HTC Laser Cap!

Women face a special type of hair loss, so it’s no wonder a unique solution is needed. Unlike male pattern baldness, female hair loss occurs in a more diffuse manner that is sometimes harder to detect. With an estimated 20-30 million women affected by hair loss in the United States alone, physicians are increasingly developing technologies and treatment protocols exclusively designed to help women overcome the personal, social, and professional setbacks caused by this traumatic condition.
I am here to help. Jacqueline provides hair loss sufferers with top hair restoration solutions through evaluation and treatment The Hair Trauma Center offers the best and most viable options for women to address their thinning hair. Low-level light therapy (LLLT) provides an alternative for women battling hair thinning that is non-invasive, relatively inexpensive, and efficient to use.
Explore the resources below to learn more about female hair loss, treatment options, and how to choose a treatment protocol that will help you achieve a more youthful, beautiful, and natural head of hair.
Understanding Hair Loss in Women
Hair loss in women can begin at any age, even in teenage years. It may begin slowly and can thin gradually over the scalp at an unnoticeable rate. At times it may be temporary due to a hormonal changes or stress, but other times it could be more permanent, as in cases of hereditary baldness.
In order to effectively restore your hair, it is vital to first understand why hair loss is occurring. Causes of hair loss in women range from genetics to stress, thyroid problems, hormonal changes, traction alopecia, and chemical processing. We urge women to consult with a physician specializing in hair restoration for evaluation and diagnosis. Once an underlying illness is ruled out, in most cases, hair restoration physicians will recommend low-level light therapy as a favorable option for women.
Treatment Options for Female Hair Loss
Traditionally, women have had few viable options to reverse the signs of hair loss. The most popular include the following:
Minoxidil (Rogaine®) is a topical solution that has been prescribed for application twice a day. This is not a very favorable option for many because it only aims to treat the part, and is a messy application process, akin to dying hair at the roots.
Finasteride (generic name for Propecia®), which is a treatment option for men, is not approved for use by women as it has been shown to cause birth defects in children.
Hair transplant surgery is a more expensive but often permanent treatment for female hair loss. If the idea of surgery makes you feel uneasy, you are not alone. Many women hesitate to engage in hair transplant surgery due to the nature of the procedure and the post operative healing process it entails.
Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is a sound science that has long been used in various medical fields. Today, devices like the Hair Trauma Center - HTC LaserCap® are available to help treat hair loss.
Hair Loss Patterns in Women: Ludwig Classification-
Female pattern baldness progresses in a pattern that is very different from men. Balding or thinning hair in women usually occurs over the entire top of the head whereas men lose their hair in isolated areas like the crown and temple. Genetics play a key role in male hair loss. Other precipitating factors such as hormones can be responsible for the loss of hair in women.
The most common cause of hair loss in women is androgenetic alopecia, which is a hereditary condition. Unlike androgenetic alopecia in men, female pattern baldness rarely results in complete hair loss. Patterns of androgenetic alopecia hair loss in women can vary widely but usually include a diffuse thinning over the entire scalp with variations of areas of more noticeable thinning towards the back, front, and frontal hairline.
Visualize it. Refer to the Ludwig Classification below, a diagram that hair loss professionals use to chart the progression of female pattern baldness.
A Simple Option for Treating Hair Loss-
Do you find yourself styling your hair differently to try to conceal an increasingly wider part? Do you spend hours fluffing your hair in front of the mirror to give more volume to your thinning hair? Are you afraid of washing and styling your hair too much for fear that more hair will fall out? Do you find more and more hairs on your brush after combing? If so, you are not alone.
Millions of women across the world—over 30 million in the United States alone—battle hair loss and feel unjustly ashamed by it. You don’t have to put up with thinning hair anymore.